Thursday, November 23, 2006

As December approaches...

Still finding lots of good tunes...after successfully negotiating Beatport for the first time since buying CD-Js about 2 months ago, see my furious thread here

Really really feeling Mr Kemi and Amox's "Natas" on Opossu. I think I have a 12 of theirs on Tic Tac Toe or one of those good Scandinavian minimal labels. This is a brilliant Amazonian chirping piece of Henrik Schwarz style Detroit influenced dynamite. If it was Luciano or someone we'd probably have seen it on every msg board in the land by now. Also I presume this is what they play in countries where clubs open after 3am! Richard Brophy of DJ mag and Test Industries has been talking about this "Deepinal" thing, or deep house meets minimal, for a while I guess, in different places. I figured Tuning Spork and Mobilee were sort of doing this anyway, and it's always been going, but there is a definitely a certain type of new lushness to a lot of the really good records, particularly in the last month or so, where Nass and Efdemin and now Mr Kemi and Amox have come with some really dubbed up housey goodness. Anyway "Natas" is quality. Check it out, if you like it the 12 has two other nice tunes on it too, so try and buy it!

Also really like Sebastian Roya's new single on Connaisseur, they're back to the deeper style after Jochen Trappe's banger. There's a Rekleiner mix on the flip but surely I can't be the only one who is getting pretty sick of all these Audiofly/Rekleiner releases. They're all production skills, no creativity. It's the same syndrome as Bodzin lately, 100 varieties of "The Sky Was Pink" with jaw dropping cinematic final mastering. Use your powers for good guys and go and clean up some releases for younger more inexperienced producers with some new ideas!

To continue the whole US styled minimal thing, and thus further exaggerate its prevalence, I'm going to also give you guys Jamie Jones' "It's Scary Down Here". This is a nice piece of jacking house as Freak and Chic do nicely IMO, great breakdown, again, the other 2 tracks on this 12 are great too, so if you are into this go and buy it also...

It's Scary Down Here

Oh yes and before I forget, here's me, published today, doing one of my day jobs! You can't spell technology without "techno". Reckon I can only use that joke once...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, It's Scary Down Here is a really awesome track. Thanks for the heads up! The link for Natas doesn't seem to be working though. :(

12:23 AM  
Blogger Ronan said...

Shit...let me re-try...

6:10 AM  
Blogger Ronan said...

you'll need to log in to YSI for Natas, cos it's a big file...I have a log in, so that means they're cheap/free I think!

6:12 AM  
Blogger alex said...

good work on the guardian stuff romo - nice (albeit incredibly nerdy) article. you read boing boing?

9:28 AM  
Blogger Ronan said...

no, what is boing boing? it's weird, those articles seem in a way less nerdy than music stuff to me, in that people will one day use the things in them! I'm not like a big technology head I just find things that haven't been documented interesting...

2:02 PM  
Blogger alex said...
"a directory of wonderful things" - constantly updated site with loads of new technology stories and links. check it out

3:02 AM  

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